
Is there a tool for mass transferring accounts in Salesforce?

Salesforce is a widely-used customer relationship management (CRM) platform that allows organizations to manage and track their customer interactions effectively. One crucial aspect of CRM is the ability to transfer account ownership when needed, such as during organizational restructuring or employee role changes. While Salesforce offers various tools and features for managing accounts, is there a specific tool for mass transferring accounts in Salesforce? This article explores this question and provides insights into the available options.

The Need for Mass Transferring Accounts:

In a dynamic business environment, companies often undergo changes that require the redistribution of account ownership. For instance, when a sales team is restructured, when territories are realigned, or when a merger or acquisition occurs, there is a need to transfer a large number of accounts from one user or team to another efficiently. Performing such transfers individually can be time-consuming and prone to errors, necessitating the need for a tool that enables mass account transfers.

Salesforce Native Functionality:

Salesforce offers several features and functionalities to manage accounts, including transferring ownership of individual accounts. The standard transfer process allows administrators or users with appropriate permissions to manually transfer ownership of accounts one at a time. While this method is suitable for occasional transfers, it becomes cumbersome and inefficient when dealing with a large number of accounts.

Data Loader:

Salesforce's Data Loader is a powerful tool that allows administrators and users to perform bulk data import, export, and updates in Salesforce. While Data Loader does not provide a specific feature for mass transferring accounts, it can be utilized as a workaround. By exporting the account data, making the necessary ownership changes in a spreadsheet, and then re-importing the modified data, administrators can achieve mass transfers of account ownership.

Third-Party Apps and Integrations:

To address the specific need for mass transferring accounts in Salesforce, several third-party applications and integrations are available. These tools provide enhanced functionalities and automation, streamlining the process of transferring ownership for a large number of accounts. By leveraging these tools, organizations can save time, reduce errors, and ensure a smoother transition during organizational changes.

Examples of Third-Party Tools:

1. Salesforce Data Tools: This suite of applications includes apps like Data Migrator and Mass Update & Mass Edit, which provide advanced data management capabilities, including mass transferring of account ownership. These tools offer user-friendly interfaces and automation options to simplify the process.

2. Apsona for Salesforce: Apsona is a popular Salesforce app that offers various data management features. It provides a specific module for mass transferring accounts, allowing administrators to select multiple accounts and transfer ownership in a single operation.

3. Jitterbit: Jitterbit is an integration platform that offers powerful data migration and synchronization capabilities. With its drag-and-drop interface, administrators can easily create data transfer workflows, including mass transfers of account ownership.


While Salesforce provides native functionality for transferring account ownership, there is no dedicated tool for mass transfers. However, administrators can leverage Salesforce's Data Loader to perform bulk transfers through an export-update-import process. Additionally, several third-party apps and integrations, such as Salesforce Data Tools, Apsona for Salesforce, and Jitterbit, offer enhanced capabilities for mass transferring accounts. These tools streamline the process, saving time and reducing errors associated with manual transfers. Organizations can choose the most suitable tool based on their specific requirements and preferences, ensuring efficient and accurate mass transfers of account ownership in Salesforce.